If you give a street kid a piggy back ride….
You may never be able to put him down.
You may return home with a shirt 3 sizes larger.
You may meet 20 of his friends.
He may beg you to twirl him around and throw him in the air.
He may refuse to tell you his name.
He may smell like garbage and urine.
You might have to play patty cake with 7 girls at one time.
You might have to give them all a piece of gum.
You might have to show them every picture you’ve ever taken.
There may be 2 kids on each arm and your back.
There may be a lot of sweat.
There may be too many questions.
You could chat with one of their fathers for a bit.
You could be invited to meet that father’s new baby
You could hold a newborn baby on the first day of his life.
Your knee may bleed from being tackled.
Your every move might be mirrored immediately.
Your day could be made.
Or, if it goes anything like it did for me, all the above may happen.