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Back in America, I am a Wyldlife leader for Junior High girls. I love them like I’ve known them forever and some of my best memories are times spent with them. A few nights ago, Sarah, a 14 year old girl from La Kennedy sat next to me in a tight tye dye shirt and a pair of jeans. We ate tamales and listened to American music and she laughed when I mispronounced her name. For a moment, Sarah was no different than my girls back home.

When I glanced down, I was reminded that she was 8 months pregnant with her second child. I remembered that she was addicted to paint thinner and her smile was rare and that this might be her only meal of the day. Immediately, I felt inadequate to spend time with Sarah. I wanted to be replaced with someone who could fix this.

Thankfully, I am not called to fix Sarah’s life. I only have one job. It’s the same job I know as a Wyldlife leader back home. It is to love. So, I will love beautiful 14 year old Sarah. I will hug her and laugh with her and tell her she is gorgeous. It may not come naturally to discuss possible baby names or rub the back of a vomiting 14 year old girl, but it is the only way I know how to love her like Jesus does.

I love this job.