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In my life, the old saying “back when your world was one block wide” (or maybe that is a Taylor Swift lyric…) still applies.
My Earth is still “one block wide”.
I never got to the point in my “coming of age” time where I felt like the world was very big.
I’ve always felt like a plane, train or automobile could get me from right here in my room in Texas to a resort on the coast of Malaysia.
Don’t get me wrong, roadtrips across states can still seem eternal sometimes. BUT, in the grand scheme of things, in a little bit of a way, we are all neighbors. And I think that’s where my desire for meeting the needs of others who are distances away from me began.
I didn’t understand growing up how I could throw away the majority of my food at every sitting, lose stuffed animals and various toys throughout the rooms in my house, whine and cry because of a scraped knee, and simply reach into the snack drawer whenever I felt hungry YET there were people in this world dying of starvation and dehydration?!
It didn’t make sense to my 8 year old mind why they couldn’t just come spend the night with me and have pancakes made for them in the morning shaped like their initials.
Why couldn’t we go visit them and bring my leftover dinner?
Why didn’t they just ask if they wanted some water?
Well, I’ve grown up a little since then and I understand the “why can’t they” and “why don’t they” now. But I still don’t understand the “Why don’t WE” questions.
Why don’t WE visit them?
Why don’t WE bring them our leftovers?
Why don’t WE hug them and tell they are deeply loved?
I’ve been reading Kisses For Katie lately and I came across this passage:
“People tell me they miss me; they think I am so far away. But I’m not. I’m right here, on the same earth as everybody else, doing what I know to do to make it a little better”
Don’t we all know what to do to make it a little better?
Shouldn’t everybody visit, clothe, aid, love, feed, pray for and care for the least of these?
Maybe, maybe I’m wrong.
But I do believe that I am a daughter of the King who has always desired to love and care for people overseas who are just out of reach. They are my neighors for goodness sakes! We’re all on the same team, we all have the same God. We are meant to love and lean on one another right? If my neighbors need sugar, I will give some to them! And I will have a friendship and community with them.
And I just really really want people to know that!
So, whether they are a few streets away or a few countries away, I want to share what I have been given with the neighbors all around me. I want them to see that the Lord is of grace and love…. and there’s enough to go around!
Anyways I’m just really excited for this Mission Trip. I have no idea whatsoever about what it is going to be like, which is slightly intimidating, but I know it will be God-glorifying. And I’m pretty certain you can’t go wrong with that.

Is it September 1st yet?


2 responses to “One Block Wide”

  1. I love how you’re growing up, Mandolyn. I love that you’re pursuing God’s heart for the broken and lost! I can’t wait to see how He uses this in your life.

  2. Change The World Mandolyn. You have already made it a better place, and your journey is just beginning. I thank God for you everyday. He is using you to spread His Love.